Prompt 1

After watching the video of Zina Gontownik, write an essay that summarizes and analyzes how the ideas of hope and despair are revealed in the interview. Use textual examples to show how the interview illustrates these ideas and be sure to cite specific evidence to support your analysis.

Prompt 2

Using the video of Zina Gontownik and the testimony of Moshe Feigenberg, compare and contrast how each account reveals the ideas of hope and despair. Be sure to cite strong and thorough evidence from both sources to support your argument.

(n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2017, from

Prompt 3

The Wilno Ghetto where Zina Gontownik was first confined also housed Jews who became  armed resistors. In the midst of despair, again there was hope. Read about their struggle not only against the Nazis, but to convince the other Jews and Jewish leaders to support their choice, at
History has revealed that the majority’s choice to stay alive as long as possible through cooperation did not work. The resistors became escaped partisans because of lack of general support from ghetto residents - who were eventually murdered en masse.

Build a timeline in chronological order showing the resistance effort within the the Wilno Ghetto, and include a detailed description of the events.

(n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2017, from

Writing Prompts - Zina Gontownik

Prompt 1

After watching the video of Zina Gontownik, write an essay that summarizes and analyzes how the ideas of hope and despair are revealed in the interview. Use textual examples to show how the interview illustrates these ideas and be sure to cite specific evidence to support your analysis.

Prompt 2

Using the video of Zina Gontownik and the testimony of Moshe Feigenberg, compare and contrast how each account reveals the ideas of hope and despair. Be sure to cite strong and thorough evidence from both sources to support your argument.

(n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2017, from

Prompt 3

The Wilno Ghetto where Zina Gontownik was first confined also housed Jews who became  armed resistors. In the midst of despair, again there was hope. Read about their struggle not only against the Nazis, but to convince the other Jews and Jewish leaders to support their choice, at
History has revealed that the majority’s choice to stay alive as long as possible through cooperation did not work. The resistors became escaped partisans because of lack of general support from ghetto residents - who were eventually murdered en masse.

Build a timeline in chronological order showing the resistance effort within the the Wilno Ghetto, and include a detailed description of the events.

(n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2017, from