Title page of Story of a Survivor by Dramkrajz Hazomir about the life of Sam Weinreich
Sam Weinreich performance photo.
The dramatic theater and choir troupe Hazomir, of the Landsberg/Lech Displaced Persons Camp, performed in Germany from May 1945-April 1949. Sam Weinreich was a member.
Program from performance in Stuttgart, Germany after the war, on the stage where Hitler had spoken.
Immigration document of Sam Weinreich and family to Memphis, Tennessee, from Landsberg via Bremenhaven and New Orleans.
Immigration document of Frieda Weinreich to Memphis, Tennessee, from Landsberg via Bremenhaven and New Orleans.
Life in the displaced persons camp of Landsberg/Lech Displaced Persons Camp, circa May 1945-April 1949
Sam Wienreich becomes a United States Citizen in 1954. Shown is his naturalization paper.
Sam had a leading role. Pages from performance program of the theater and musical troupe, Hazomir.
Program Pages of a Hazomir performance
Papers identifying Sam as a former inmate of Dachau
Frieda Wienreich becomes a United States Citizen in 1954. Shown is her naturalization paper.
Scenes in Lodz, Poland, on the 60th anniversary of the liquidation of the Lodz Ghetto. Survivors Sam and Frieda Weinrich, were there in 2002 and in 1942.
Program page showing scenes
August, 2002 Sam and Freida returned to Poland, to commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of the Lódz Ghetto’s liquidation.
Clipping page showing the romance and marriage of Sam and Frieda Gola