Related Instructional Resources - Sam Weinreich
Bachrach, Susan D. Tell Them We Remember: The Story of the Holocaust. Boston: Little, Brown, 1994. Print.
Dobroszycki, Lucjan. The Chronicle of the Łódź Ghetto, 1941-1944. New Haven: Yale UP, 1984. Print.
Smith, Frank Dabba, and Mendel Grossman. My Secret Camera: Life in the Lodz Ghetto. London: Frances Lincoln Children's, 2008. Print.
Zapruder, Alexandra. "Anonymous Boy, Lodz Ghetto." Salvaged Pages: Young Writers' Diaries of the Holocaust. New Haven: Yale UP, 2004. 368-94. Print.
Zapruder, Alexandra. "Anonymous Girl, Lodz Ghetto." Salvaged Pages: Young Writers' Diaries of the Holocaust. New Haven: Yale UP, 2004. 226-42. Print.