Writing Prompts - Sara Slomovic Seidner
Prompt 1
Sara gave very clear descriptions in her film testimony. At 1:46, she describes daily life in the ghetto. At 2:14-3:45, Sara gives details about her time in Auschwitz. Note the use of figurative language and the power it was to convey an image. Write an essay that summarizes and analyzes Sarah’s use of figurative language to describe her experience. Be sure to cite strong and thorough evidence from the video to support your analysis.
Prompt 2
Sara describes extreme hunger while living in the Sekernice Ghetto. Click the links below to read the following diary entries written by an anonymous girl and boy who were living in the Lodz and Littsmanstadd Ghettos. Based on these accounts, write an essay that compares and contrasts the experiences of extreme hunger described by Sara and these two diarists. Be sure to cite strong and thorough evidence from both sources to support your analysis.
Excerpt from Salvaged Pages by Alexander Zapruder Anonymous Girl
Excerpt from Salvaged Pages by Alexander Zapruder-Anonymous Boy
Zapruder, A. (2015). Salvaged pages: young writers' diaries of the Holocaust. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press.