Three army men from New York that Eisenstein served while visiting Dachau. The man in the middle was Jewish and served as an interpreter.
Inmates wearing their prison garb, looking at graves that they were forced to dig. The cross on the man's back marks a precise target for the Nazis to shoot at if the prisoner attempted to escape.
Eisenstein, on the right, with a Yiddish and Hebrew speaking military companion in front of dog pens at Dachau. After speaking with camp victims, they learned that large dogs were frequently set loose upon the people in the camp.
Photograph taken by Eisenstein of barracks at Dachau. When Eisenstein entered, he saw people lying down in the barracks on slabs of wood, with nothing to sleep on. He remembers that the people were in a daze and no one spoke to each other.
A young Robert Eisenstein.
Photograph taken by Eisenstein during his brief visit to Dachau in 1945. A crematorium can be seen, with a skull and cross bone warning sign visible on the door.